Archive | June, 2013

8 Jobs That Exist on Craigslist

24 Jun

job searchPart Time Soccer Coach 3-6 Year Olds- Unless you are born in the favelas of Rio, you have no business playing soccer at three years old, which means no one has any business coaching either. I’ve never seen any 3-6 year old do anything coordinated, so the idea of coaching a group of misfits like this seems better suited for a terrible Adam Sandler comedy (is there any other kind at this point?). While yelling at a group of toddlers and watching them stumble around like a baby giraffe is amusing, it also seems like an incredible waste of time for almost no money.

Become a Dove Chocolatier! – Dove Chocolates is looking for Chocolatiers to join their growing community. A Chocolatier is someone who “earns extra income by hosting in-home chocolate tasting parties!” Or in other words, you allow strangers into your home to eat chocolate. Who is doing this? Has a single person ever signed up to host a chocolatier party Dove? I need answers. This sounds awful. I barely enjoy hosting a party for my close friends, so the thought of multiple strangers coming over to your house for the sole purposes of sampling Dove chocolate is extremely disturbing. How sketchy would it be if just one dude came over? One chocolate obsessed lunatic knocks on your door because for some reason he is incapable of buying his own chocolate and eating it at his own place. This is almost too bonkers to comprehend, and the fact that someone on Dove’s marketing team received a paycheck for suggesting this idea is very upsetting.

Overnight Kennel Attendant – Good lord this just sounds terrible. To be locked in a room with a bunch of sad and angry dogs contemplating their impeding execution, while at the same time pondering your own invariable life of mediocrity is just…terrible.

Musicians – Dust off your recorders and re-learn “Mary Had a Little Lamb” because you might be a rock star sooner than you think. There is no mention in the post whether the person wants to start a band or plays an instrument himself. Is he just curious how many people play instruments in the LA area, and based on responses he may or may not pursue a music career? Sketchballs written all over it. Or shitty Indie band audition.

Sperm Donor – Now this one is tempting, but it brings up a whole mess of moral questions, mostly dealing with how attractive the recipient of your sperm is. No one wants to ghost father with a haggard. Also, the potential for an awkward situation running into your offspring 20 years down the road is frightening. Jacking off for money is pretty boss though. I might look into this one.

Exciting New Opportunity in Marketing!!!– Psyche!! We’re a scam! Wasn’t that a fun waste of time?!

East Indian, Korean, or Chinese Egg Donor – East Indian Egg. Ha!

Social Media Whatever- Do you like the social medias!? Are you good at posting shit on Facebook!? You like Tweets and shit!? Are you tech savvy? Like, can you log onto the internets and CC people on emails!? Cool. Can you live in a large city on $25 k/year with no benefits?!! No? That’s ok your job is really important, cause metrics tell us that the internets is super important!!flip off

6 Ways to Her Heart

4 Jun

Disclaimer: I’ve never made my way to a girl’s heart

feederFood- There is a fine line between a foodie and feeder. You don’t need to have some twisted sexual fetish involving obese women or have to know why the chef at Alummete chose to open his own food truck after 10 years, but take some interest in food. Take her out to try new restaurants, or if you’re poor, learn how to cook something besides pasta with sauce. Girls love to eat, but don’t ever want to feel gluttonous. Go ahead and be a fatty with them once and a while. Now that’s a recipe for her heart!

bad in bedSex- Don’t be terrible. You don’t have to be Ray J from the Kim K sex tapes, but generally speaking just have confidence. No jack hammering, no incessant questioning, “Do you like this?” and always keep her pleasure in mind. Here is a simple rubric.

Man cums first + Goes to Bed= Bad/Girl Talks lots of Shit
Man cums first + Works hard to make girl cum = OK-Good
Woman cums first + Man Does Not = Never Happened/Hearsay
Woman cums first + Man cums After = Great
Woman + Man Cum @ same time = Twinsies!

smileSmile- Girls love this shit. A nice smile is better than any pick up line out there. Don’t have a creepy smile. Smile in the mirror to make sure you aren’t a creep or have too much aggressive glint in your eyes. Smile! Unless you are a brooding musician who hides his pain well, Smile! ☺

grammar naziGrammar– Apparently all women are TEFL certified and sticklers for proper usage. They will abbrieve and emogi all day long, but god help you if you don’t know the difference between its and it’s or there, their, and they’re. I bet you didn’t know apostrophes were deal breakers, well they are. If you are confused, head down to your local community college and enroll in Grammar 101, and you will be capturing there hearts….they’re hearts? Ther….fuck.

carmen sdTravel– Who’s the hottest woman with a passport you know? Nope, not your Mom, it’s Carmen San Diego. Women love the idea and fantasy of travel. You don’t have to drop 2 g’s on a trip to Paris, but head at least 2 hours out of town and you’ll be eat, pray, loving all night long!